WHY belong to a Book Club?

Why joining a book club will help you read more :


  • Being a member of a book club is a great way to read more.  Here are some of the many reasons book clubs help you read more:  

  •  Book clubs help provide accountability.  When you're part of a book club, you'll have a group of people who are also committed to reading, and you'll be expected to have read the book by the time the group meets. This can be a great source of motivation, especially if you're struggling to find time or energy to read on your own.

  • Book clubs set reading goals for you.  If your book club reads one book a month, you’ve got a goal of reading at least 12 books over the course of the year!  

  • Book clubs introduce you to new books and authors. The group may choose books that you might not have otherwise have heard of or considered.

  • Book clubs enrich the reading experience.  As a member of a book club, you'll have the opportunity to hear others' perspectives and thoughts on the book. This can make the reading experience more enjoyable.

  • A book club can also be a social activity.  This can be especially beneficial if you're an introverted reader. It gives you a chance to connect with others who share your love of reading, and you'll have the opportunity to discuss the book and exchange ideas with the group.

 The end of the year is ripe for reading metaphors.Time to close the chapter on the old year. To turn the page.  Rewrite the plot.  

If, like me , you're setting some new intentions for your reading in the new year, 

Read more this year.  Whatever your starting point, you can set aside a little more time for reading as an investment in yourself.  Set a goal of number of books or pages to read, or set a goal around the amount of time you'll spend reading each day or week.  

Read more actively.  Set intention to not just read more this year, but to read more deeply.  Take the time to step back and reflect on what you've read.  Engage more actively with the text by taking notes or underlining or highlighting passages, perhaps even stopping to write a review or summary of what you've read.  A book journal is a great way to organize and bring together your reflections.  And of course, becoming a gatherer in Patti’s grove is an excellent way to deepen your experience of the book through discussion.  

Read to learn!  Tackle some non-fiction in the new year, whether to learn more about the world or learn more about and develop yourself.  ( Will be sharing more about a new women’s circle beginning in February).

Have I convinced YOU yet to sign up ?? Join other like-minded women in patti’s grove ~ I promise YOU..You will thank yourself!

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Let's gather in patti's grove