April 8. 2022

Hey, my friends,

Today is my birthday! I'd love to celebrate with you!

How do you feel about birthdays? Do you keep it quiet and hope nobody notices what day it is? Or do you whoop it up with everyone you know?

Years ago, I would downplay this day, saying it was no big deal. Just another day.

  • No, I don't need a party.

  • No, I don't want gifts. Not wanting to call attention to myself, or to inconvenience anyone.

But somewhere along in my journey I realized what a lie that was.

WE ALL deserve to be celebrated.

I celebrate you! and all the ways you bless my life. And I can allow myself to be celebrated as well.

We're all worthy of receiving whatever gifts and attention others want to give us.

No more hiding, or pretending we don't matter.

I'm not afraid to let everyone know that I am 75 years young today. My years and experience have brought me to the amazing place I am today, and I claim them proudly.

I love my life and I love who I've become...and I'm not done yet!

What is your favorite birthday memory? 

In honor of my birthday, I created a fundraiser on Facebook for World Central Kitchen. They were and continue to be the front line providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate & community crises. Since Day 1 of the war in Ukraine they have been present in many Ukraine cities and also in Poland & Hungary. To honor me, honor this organization thru my fund raiser.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life. I am truly blessed.

Happy “platinum” birthday to me!!

MY 1st birthday with my Grandmother & Father

My FIRST women role models


My FIRST women role models 〰️