Thank You science

What does it mean to be “boosted” ? I got my moderna booster over the past weekend, and I have been pondering on What exactly does it mean for me now? As a septuagenarian, I was eligible even before Friday’s rollout, but decided to wait till all systems were a GO. I chose not to do a “cross over”, as my side effects were minimal from my previous “JABs”. Thankfully, all I had this time was a very sore arm. But ~ WHAT NOW? Am I more protected? What does life BEYOND boosted look like ? Can I return to eating inside restaurants? Can I safely travel overseas? Can groups beyond my “bubble” get together inside? Am I being overly cautious having zoom meetings instead of in - person gatherings? I was in my nail salon over the weekend & all plexiglass barriers were removed! Their explanation did not make me feel comfortable. Do I continue to support them?

One aspect of all of this~ that will NOT change is that I will continue to be masked~ especially as we enter into flu season!

Today. Today I have a day of hope on high~ but there is the underlying~ preventing me from feeling like I should~ feeling jubilation & on top of the world. But, I am still grateful for science.